NaBloPoMo; Monday Train

raindrop train

The Raindrop Train.

Even a grey, wet, cold Monday can give us droplets of beautiful clarity.

I’ve often wanted to be that person who travels on a train or subway everyday. I thought it’d be great to sit and read or people watch. There’s a whole other perspective to be had, almost another culture. It’s a rarity for thousands; being able to travel with so many sites and individuals around you while not having to focus on anything else. Sure, you are in a strangers’ personal space in the daily hustle bustle exhausted to a degree. But, to be a fly on the wall; almost invisible yet so alive.

Wandering still.

Moments of deep thought, or not!

Traveling on a raindrop train…

NaBloPoMo; ‘jobs of the week’

For the past few months I have been searching for a plan. A plan for the next phase of my life. The difficulty, and life long struggle, is that I look at too many options to whom I become overwhelmed with deciding.
From creating this blog to building an online photography business, architecture, design, mommy services and just getting back out into the workforce in general. So, tangled up in all of these cluttered notes of information..I have finally concretely decided to go back to school for interior design. A course that has many aspects of what I truly enjoy. These being drafting, art, history, photography, design, out-of-the-box thinking, working with people and the home.

Although I have made this enormous step, I have to sit idle with my excitement until September 2014 to start.

And in the meantime…
I take a big breathe and a sigh.

I feel lack-lustre; looking through the jobs of the week in disinterest. The same retail slumber from page to page with wages that aren’t worth me putting my daughter in preschool. The jobs that will take away time and energy from more enjoyable and meaningful opportunities.

What I gravitate toward doing in the meantime is a freelance photography business. A business portfolio online geared towards selling stock photos, maybe also a collection or story. It’s a curiosity. A possible work from home income. A basket that I’ve been toying with for many years. A passion right from the depths of my belly.

In all my research I know all about registering the business, some costs, business plans, companies to sell to. There is much more. There are admission packages, organizing my photos, finding a quality studio to print with, accounting, marketing, networking, the waiting….

Do I put money into this? Am I even any good? Can I acquire the right resources quickly so I have the creative time to build the business before going to school? Am I getting ahead of myself? In over my head? {I could possibly link it with my interior design in the future}
I am all knotted up inside But I sense that it could be the right time. I think the ‘time is the best counsellor’ idea that I wrote about will not apply well here.

Well, now that you have seen inside my head..
Any thoughts? Advice?

That’s a load off the chest! Thanks for listening/reading.

NaBloPoMo; I am doing this!?

National Blog Post a Month
Sounds like a challenge. I’m actually quite apprehensive, anxious, curious and hyped all in one ball of yarn.
Apprehensive about taking on another task right now.
Anxious in thoughts of disappointing readers with my subject matter.
Curious of what will come from my mind for such an ambitious month of writing and creating.
And Hyped to get back to this community, and writing from which I have been out of touch with for many months.

So, while my daughter tells her bath time friends to wait, go up then jump all in her second tongue of Spanish; I want to stay on this train ride through the Austrian mountains of beautiful inspiration.
Day by day I look forward to sharing my filter.
Until later…


Monday Motivator: Create your own Destiny

I have been literally off the grid for what feels like too long. What I am about to write will explain why.

Self preservation seems to run about half way down most adult priority lists. What with putting children, husbands, wives and just about every daily task before our deep rooted needs.
In saying this; all these priorities create a sense of purpose, make for a full life and I will always put certain needs of my loved ones before my own. They have been chosen by us, sub-consciously or consciously.
Now, the question is, ‘Have I preserved what makes me Me?’
Nurtured my passions?
Enriched my mind regularly?
Explored avenues of information which I find myself being drawn to on more than one occasion?


I have started into a new journey these past few weeks. A journey that is for me first. A series of paths to a better me. A way to apply dormant skills.
It’s not a selfish ‘me first’. It’s a ‘if I’m not preserved and nourished I won’t be in a place to openly hear, see and enjoy my family, friends and….life.’

Creating your own destiny, in my opinion, involves:
~looking deep inside yourself and evaluating when you are at your best and what is truly important to you
~how does what you do effect the ones you love, now and in the future?
~doing your research from many angles so that you have a variety of correct, complete information
~stop, look and listen; especially to friends and family because they truly know you and might have some insight on things that you haven’t seen or have overlooked.

In thinking about my life at this point in time I have realized that I have let too many pieces of who I am go dormant.

When starting this blog I felt I was doing it because I needed something that was just for me. I was also at a point where I wanted to connect with other mothers. Writing is an extension of myself and defines moments with more clarity. I express myself best through writing and also felt that a blog could turn into a great business venture down the road if I created the right service and following.
Once I searched through interesting blogs and had people, few that were mothers, enjoying my posts, it pushed me to evaluate what was good, great and mediocre in my writing.
Then I started to post my pictures. I wrote posts around old and new photos of mine. I noticed a fire in me that I couldn’t ignore.

DESTINY is defined as:
1. something that is to happen or has happened to a particular person or thing; lot or fortune.
2. the predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible, course of events.
3. the Destinies, the Fates

Suddenly all of these definitions resonated with me in profound ways. Something pushed me in all the right directions.
Was it Fate or Fortune like they say? I can’t say, but I am going to choose to create my own destiny by listening to my heart and gut instincts.

So, my true journey began with the resurfacing of a passion. Photography.
I have now looked into schooling, workshops and part time job opportunities. I have contacted a few photojournalism professionals and received great advice and direction.

My journey involves getting back into the workforce. This has entailed registering my daughter in preschool, revising my résumé from 15 years ago with a completely different focus and switching my image and mindset to include the creative, professional woman in me, as well as Mommy and Wife.

Just these steps alone have awoken a spirit that seems new but is actually an old friend that I have thought about in my dreams and can’t wait to catch up with; like she was never absent or missed a thing.

It’s important to practice…
Reflection and Self Preservation!
It might feel scary or overwhelming to start from scratch. OR you could think of it as not having to fit yourself perfectly like a puzzle into previous positions that may have changed drastically.
Sometimes starting fresh is easier than having to build on old foundations. Exploring with fresh eyes will likely turn over some rocks you would never have noticed before.

I would love to hear any journeys or realizations you have created!

At the Farm

at the farm

at the farm2

One of the beauties of children. You, as a parent, make a special trip to the donkey farm which you are excited to see how much the kids will love it.

Then, they are more interested in the rocks, fields and various equipment than the donkeys 90% of the visit. I guess I should have known; considering the box and tissue paper is a huge hit at Christmas Time.

I love it!

Five Minute Friday: Listen

donkey look

(Yes, it is not Friday but I spent these five minutes writing about ‘Listen’ anyways.)

Ears twitching, shifting front to back, searching for details in the sound in a tentative manner.
An acquired skill that requires attention and practice for many.

I often decide to simply sit and listen, to nature or silence, when I need to relax. Even in silence there are faint sounds. Hums, distant rings, air or creeks and cracks of the house adjusting. Isn’t it interesting how differently one person to the next hear silence? I do feel that certain types of silence can be quite frightening. I am also infuriated and/or sadened when given the ‘silent treatment’ as opposed to talking and acknowledged listening.

I am working on active listening with my toddler. She seems to listen better and have more positive actions when I get down to her level, look in her eyes and repeat what I heard her say followed by what I need her to do and why. This is actually effective during mild meltdowns!
We tried sign language before she started talking. What a great concentration skill for those of us who don’t need it as our primary communication.

My favorite things to listen to are my daughter talking with toys while playing by herself, rain, ocean waves, wind in the trees and birds. I also have to say a Spanish guitar.

Those are my Five Minutes on the prompt “Listen”.
Every Friday The Gypsy Mama posts a word prompt. For five minutes you set the clock and write, unscripted without worry of grammar mistakes or if anyone will even read it. Just because we love to write.…in-in-the-rain/


donkey jump

Jump with all your might! Bend at the knees…

There is so much to learn from children. If only I could watch and catch every moment.

Every hop, giggle and looonngggg JUMP.

Monday Motivation; Be Yourself

Some 12 years ago I was soaking up the culture and gorgeous architecture of Paris. Up in the clouds of Montmartre I came across these stylin’ characters. I look at the courage and creativity these people have. Are these not the type of people who inspire? Are these not the type of people who walk to the beat of their own drum and usually want everyone to join in?

Being your own person, comfortable in your own skin is so important!

When I was young I never stood out as confident or comfortable with myself. There is always a bully or child that enjoys making fun; every generation has them. ‘Children can be cruel.’ Children can be as honest and as blunt as they come.
It is, however, how you deal and move on in these experiences that have the power to shape what you become. However, sometimes we just need to learn the first steps of loving ourselves and dealing with diversity.
I really love the initiative that Dove has regarding empowering girls. The high percentage of young girls that quit doing things they love because of body image or confidence is such a shame.

I used to work in a Grade 2 classroom helping with reading, activities and building safe relationships through play. I truly felt like I made an impact on certain children’s ability to cope and their level of confidence by the end of the school year.

As I get older, more than ever, I see how crucial good role models, close trusted relationships and open conversation is for children. It’s a source of strength and reassurance that we all need during points throughout life. I am finding lately that friendships I have are helping me along to look at my surroundings, and my mothering, in different ways. Friends offer advice just when it is needed the most.

This blogging community is actually a beautiful way to break away from yourself without the pressures of face to face criticism. This community is supportive and encouraging. There are all walks of life just being themselves and sharing what they love.

There has been times when I have looked back on events that I chose not to participate in because of personal reservations. I know now that I should have gone. If I had felt uncomfortable I could have just left. People regularly miss out on learning new skills, gaining long-lasting relationships or just pure fun.

Today and from now on I urge adults to share positive pieces of reinforcement, compliments, encouragement and advice as well as their time in activities with children; alongside their parents.
Today and from now on I urge you to let yourself be you. Go try things and leave your inner critic at home.

“We are our own worst enemies.”

If you are always worried about what people will think or say, then you never will be free to show them what makes you tick. You might miss out on great jobs and learning things about yourself. With all the billions of individuals in the world there is bound to be handfuls of others that really get you and see the beauty in what you say, offer and the image of what is You.

Don’t limit yourself!