“Time is the best counsellor”

I heard or read this sentence somewhere some time ago. I wish I could credit the person who created it.

So, Time…as a counsellor.
At this time in my life this hits home as pretty top notch advice; an ‘Ah ha’ moment. Simple right!

I regularly feel that I’m running out of time. That I’m misusing my time because the outcome isn’t in my preconceived plans of when and how a goal should be reached. The balance of my time is lacking. I often think that I don’t have the time to go above and beyond what I’m used to.

Time is a constant in all life; ticking loudly or silently in the background. I worry about too much time and not enough. It’s a pretty powerful thing, actually.
Now to the notion of time moonlighting as a counsellor….

Well, I am optimistic that adopting this theory will be quite fulfilling.
My daughter is 3 soon and is her own little person, moods and preferences in. The time that I take slowing down to do whatever she wants is measurable to a lot of gold.
I come out of the moments feeling enlightened… Complete… Refreshed…smarter…A better mother…and more capable to handle the tough times. Plus, my Sofia makes a damn good honeybear tea.

Time has probably been the best counsellor in many situations and I haven’t even noticed.

Letting friendships take their course in healing and meet up with someone years later; healing time.
Make a hard decision and ride it out even when you fully doubt the decision; ride time.
I’m even going to try to ‘repurpose’ my time by letting go of control; passive time.

I’m not prepared to throw all caution to the wind/time, but this could be an interesting experiment and learning experience.
I am whole-heartedly in with time on my side instead of against me.
Now I need to remember to trust that time will do its thing; plus re-train my brains habits.

NaBloPoMo; I am doing this!?

National Blog Post a Month
Sounds like a challenge. I’m actually quite apprehensive, anxious, curious and hyped all in one ball of yarn.
Apprehensive about taking on another task right now.
Anxious in thoughts of disappointing readers with my subject matter.
Curious of what will come from my mind for such an ambitious month of writing and creating.
And Hyped to get back to this community, and writing from which I have been out of touch with for many months.

So, while my daughter tells her bath time friends to wait, go up then jump all in her second tongue of Spanish; I want to stay on this train ride through the Austrian mountains of beautiful inspiration.
Day by day I look forward to sharing my filter.
Until later…


Five Minute Friday: Listen

donkey look

(Yes, it is not Friday but I spent these five minutes writing about ‘Listen’ anyways.)

Ears twitching, shifting front to back, searching for details in the sound in a tentative manner.
An acquired skill that requires attention and practice for many.

I often decide to simply sit and listen, to nature or silence, when I need to relax. Even in silence there are faint sounds. Hums, distant rings, air or creeks and cracks of the house adjusting. Isn’t it interesting how differently one person to the next hear silence? I do feel that certain types of silence can be quite frightening. I am also infuriated and/or sadened when given the ‘silent treatment’ as opposed to talking and acknowledged listening.

I am working on active listening with my toddler. She seems to listen better and have more positive actions when I get down to her level, look in her eyes and repeat what I heard her say followed by what I need her to do and why. This is actually effective during mild meltdowns!
We tried sign language before she started talking. What a great concentration skill for those of us who don’t need it as our primary communication.

My favorite things to listen to are my daughter talking with toys while playing by herself, rain, ocean waves, wind in the trees and birds. I also have to say a Spanish guitar.

Those are my Five Minutes on the prompt “Listen”.
Every Friday The Gypsy Mama posts a word prompt. For five minutes you set the clock and write, unscripted without worry of grammar mistakes or if anyone will even read it. Just because we love to write.





Five minute Friday: Fall

Children are the most beautiful thing in this, my, world. I fell for you when you were a peanut in an ultrasound photo.
Whenever I sit down on the floor you practice your running long jump. As your body slams into my chest we fall back as our legs fly into the air. The sound of you laughing and that pure joy in your eyes makes me light up while my heart beats fast, for you. Exhilaration…

Your playroom is my latest project. Daddy is the King of do-it-yourself and this room he will build is going to make you jump out of your skin with excitement!

A sneaky hidden reading nook. A craft table with all the fixens. That easel grandpa made me. Ooww… A wall of chalkboard.

Up until now I have felt I am protecting you from falling. This is good, isn’t it? I’m not so sure. Most need to live and learn, for themselves. The hard lessons are usually the ones that make the biggest impact. But you are my baby, toddler baby.

So designing this space is me letting go just a little. I have big ideas with vision that surpasses what the room can hold. I’m talking treehouse with slide and swing. Climb, climb and explore!
I know that you are a very independent little soul and will likely grow up faster than some. So I will nourish and enjoy “playtime” for all it’s precious moments. Let’s do this!

Mommy will always try her best to protect you from falling. The falling that hurts and leaves a scar; inside or out.

In the meantime I’m going to teach you how to fall safely. Hopping on cushions, climbing ‘mountains’ and zooming down that slide as fast as you can. Even if you want to go head first…”Cring”.

Those are my Five Minutes on the prompt “Fall”.
Every Friday The Gypsy Mama posts a word prompt. For five minutes you set the clock and write, unscripted without worry of grammar mistakes or if anyone will even read it. Just because we love to write.


Take a look at the link and try it out. It’s freeing and quite eye opening what comes out of a single word.