NaBloPoMo; Monday Train

raindrop train

The Raindrop Train.

Even a grey, wet, cold Monday can give us droplets of beautiful clarity.

I’ve often wanted to be that person who travels on a train or subway everyday. I thought it’d be great to sit and read or people watch. There’s a whole other perspective to be had, almost another culture. It’s a rarity for thousands; being able to travel with so many sites and individuals around you while not having to focus on anything else. Sure, you are in a strangers’ personal space in the daily hustle bustle exhausted to a degree. But, to be a fly on the wall; almost invisible yet so alive.

Wandering still.

Moments of deep thought, or not!

Traveling on a raindrop train…

7 thoughts on “NaBloPoMo; Monday Train

  1. Pingback: NaBloPoMo: Confessing my love | life n me!

  2. Pingback: NaBloPoMo: Did you know? | life n me!

  3. Pingback: Daily Journal: Geeking out a bit | Ramblings of a Lost Dancer

  4. Pingback: NaBloPoMo: How ‘Sticky’ are the ‘Notes’? « The Chaotic Soul

  5. Pingback: NaBloPoMo: Being judgmental | life n me!

  6. Pingback: NaBloPoMo XI: Armistice Day and The Compleat Trespasser | Poetic Mapping: Walking into Art

  7. I have been a greenbay packer fan since 1950 and here we are in 2013 and looking as bad on defense as they were in 1950s getting harder and harder to follow the packers now. the just dont do the things like block and tackle no defense at all. for the money they get to play footbal they should be assahamed to take the money

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