About dbubble12

Hi, I'm Dawn. I have spent most of my life as a jack of all trades; master of none. Which has worked great for me since this translates into being a fast learning, divergent thinking mom and wife. Photography, travel, family and journaling as I go is the essence of great moments in life as I know it. I blog about all these moments and everything in between.

Roots of my soul


Five minute Friday: TREE

The freedom of innocence is captivating.
Hidden up in those giant treetops as a child was where picnics, naps and secret talks took place. Way up high in the crevices you could spy and watch where no one suspected. Mister giant smelt dirty as well as sweet.

Huge giants peacefully blowing in the wind. Hours would pass.

I must have shown every child in that complex how to climb this one tree. He was the one in the middle, slightly to the left. The tree right beside him had branches like vines that we would swing on into the ravine behind. A family only to be called ‘Willow’.
Those were the days I would walk barefoot more often than with shoes. The grass was a soft prickly carpet. Oh the treasures I could stumble upon.
The giants had grown so old that their roots busted above the dirt. I would tightrope walk, letting the roots take me along their paths. Exploring the thick forest in my backyard; getting lost and somehow finding the path that took you back to civilization.
These are some of my fondest times in memory. A tattoo in my soul.
Some day to be a tattoo of ink embedded at the surface; to represent family roots and a time when I was free with the exploration of nature.

….and Stop.

For five minutes you set the clock and write, unscripted without worry of grammar mistakes or if anyone will even read it.
Just because we love to write.


NaBloPoMo; Monday Train

raindrop train

The Raindrop Train.

Even a grey, wet, cold Monday can give us droplets of beautiful clarity.

I’ve often wanted to be that person who travels on a train or subway everyday. I thought it’d be great to sit and read or people watch. There’s a whole other perspective to be had, almost another culture. It’s a rarity for thousands; being able to travel with so many sites and individuals around you while not having to focus on anything else. Sure, you are in a strangers’ personal space in the daily hustle bustle exhausted to a degree. But, to be a fly on the wall; almost invisible yet so alive.

Wandering still.

Moments of deep thought, or not!

Traveling on a raindrop train…

NaBloPoMo; loving you!

“I love you too”.
Just before slumber and after kisses on every inch of my face this is my sweetest lullaby.
I’ve heard it before and cherish every note. The everyday I love you’s consist of Sofia following mine by a “yes”, a kiss and a “grande” hug. Although, This time was unrehearsed; innate; and she needed me to hear it.
This is why being a mother is a treasure, an honor, a series of lessons that change your being in the most surprising ways.

I will go to watch my daughter play soccer today with an extra bright sparkle in my eye; with a freeing giggle when she places the ball not two inches from the bowling pin she intends to knock over. I’ll run by her side while she navigates the entire field as the other children stay close by the child size nets, dribbling the ball like a pro with her pig tails tousled.

“I love you” is just one of the ways I will share my vast adoration for all that she is. Sofia will feel it from every gentle touch, from devoted time, silly time, rules, and talks we have; just you and me.

Love is best shared and shown in the simple gestures. The care to make another persons day great or give just what they needed.

NaBloPoMo; ‘jobs of the week’

For the past few months I have been searching for a plan. A plan for the next phase of my life. The difficulty, and life long struggle, is that I look at too many options to whom I become overwhelmed with deciding.
From creating this blog to building an online photography business, architecture, design, mommy services and just getting back out into the workforce in general. So, tangled up in all of these cluttered notes of information..I have finally concretely decided to go back to school for interior design. A course that has many aspects of what I truly enjoy. These being drafting, art, history, photography, design, out-of-the-box thinking, working with people and the home.

Although I have made this enormous step, I have to sit idle with my excitement until September 2014 to start.

And in the meantime…
I take a big breathe and a sigh.

I feel lack-lustre; looking through the jobs of the week in disinterest. The same retail slumber from page to page with wages that aren’t worth me putting my daughter in preschool. The jobs that will take away time and energy from more enjoyable and meaningful opportunities.

What I gravitate toward doing in the meantime is a freelance photography business. A business portfolio online geared towards selling stock photos, maybe also a collection or story. It’s a curiosity. A possible work from home income. A basket that I’ve been toying with for many years. A passion right from the depths of my belly.

In all my research I know all about registering the business, some costs, business plans, companies to sell to. There is much more. There are admission packages, organizing my photos, finding a quality studio to print with, accounting, marketing, networking, the waiting….

Do I put money into this? Am I even any good? Can I acquire the right resources quickly so I have the creative time to build the business before going to school? Am I getting ahead of myself? In over my head? {I could possibly link it with my interior design in the future}
I am all knotted up inside But I sense that it could be the right time. I think the ‘time is the best counsellor’ idea that I wrote about will not apply well here.

Well, now that you have seen inside my head..
Any thoughts? Advice?

That’s a load off the chest! Thanks for listening/reading.

NaBloPoMo; The Art of Self

I read, usually at the in betweens of dawn, of true beauty and depth of soul. I learn of how to better express feelings and passions. I feel a connection in the little details in which we all go about life on different paths intertwined.
The worlds vastness engulfs my need to swallow everything I set my eyes on.
I am provoked and pushed to share all that my eyes filter thrives from as my heart pours out what makes me ‘me’.

Now, more than ever, the creative fiery embers need release in order to fulfill and satisfy my deepest self.