Spring Treasure; Marinade

We had our first barbecue of the season last week and ribs yesterday.For our first barbecue; I marinated pork chops in a curried mango sauce. Then my husband barbecued them on low flame, to perfection. They were sooo good! I made a cream cheese and chive mashed potatoe and roasted veg.

I am always wanting to change up my marinades for steak and chicken. I’ve tried stock with different herbs, made pastes with chilis and lemon, the traditional BBQ sauce and pre-made teriyaki or souvlaki.

Why not use sauces that are usually marketed for other uses as a marinade, such as:
• Italian salad dressing(very good for steak)
• butter chicken sauce
• pasta sauce
• condensed soup
• zucchini relish
• broth with puréed sweet potatoe or other veg
Try them out.

Break out of your routine recipe box.

Loving These; favourites cafe


A favourites cafe ; CHEERS!

Grab a tea or coffee (beer or wine) and check out my Favourites Cafe.

“Loving these” will be a regular posting once a month, possibly more often if I am highly inspired that month. My favourites will consist of apps, books, food, places, products, crafts: you name it. It might even be one of your posts that I could desperately want to pass on.
I will also make it a bit more interesting by having Theme Months corresponding with holidays and/or seasons.
Since its a cafe; I’d also love to hear your picks!

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