NaBloPoMo; The Art of Self

I read, usually at the in betweens of dawn, of true beauty and depth of soul. I learn of how to better express feelings and passions. I feel a connection in the little details in which we all go about life on different paths intertwined.
The worlds vastness engulfs my need to swallow everything I set my eyes on.
I am provoked and pushed to share all that my eyes filter thrives from as my heart pours out what makes me ‘me’.

Now, more than ever, the creative fiery embers need release in order to fulfill and satisfy my deepest self.

Monday Motivation; Be Yourself

Some 12 years ago I was soaking up the culture and gorgeous architecture of Paris. Up in the clouds of Montmartre I came across these stylin’ characters. I look at the courage and creativity these people have. Are these not the type of people who inspire? Are these not the type of people who walk to the beat of their own drum and usually want everyone to join in?

Being your own person, comfortable in your own skin is so important!

When I was young I never stood out as confident or comfortable with myself. There is always a bully or child that enjoys making fun; every generation has them. ‘Children can be cruel.’ Children can be as honest and as blunt as they come.
It is, however, how you deal and move on in these experiences that have the power to shape what you become. However, sometimes we just need to learn the first steps of loving ourselves and dealing with diversity.
I really love the initiative that Dove has regarding empowering girls. The high percentage of young girls that quit doing things they love because of body image or confidence is such a shame.

I used to work in a Grade 2 classroom helping with reading, activities and building safe relationships through play. I truly felt like I made an impact on certain children’s ability to cope and their level of confidence by the end of the school year.

As I get older, more than ever, I see how crucial good role models, close trusted relationships and open conversation is for children. It’s a source of strength and reassurance that we all need during points throughout life. I am finding lately that friendships I have are helping me along to look at my surroundings, and my mothering, in different ways. Friends offer advice just when it is needed the most.

This blogging community is actually a beautiful way to break away from yourself without the pressures of face to face criticism. This community is supportive and encouraging. There are all walks of life just being themselves and sharing what they love.

There has been times when I have looked back on events that I chose not to participate in because of personal reservations. I know now that I should have gone. If I had felt uncomfortable I could have just left. People regularly miss out on learning new skills, gaining long-lasting relationships or just pure fun.

Today and from now on I urge adults to share positive pieces of reinforcement, compliments, encouragement and advice as well as their time in activities with children; alongside their parents.
Today and from now on I urge you to let yourself be you. Go try things and leave your inner critic at home.

“We are our own worst enemies.”

If you are always worried about what people will think or say, then you never will be free to show them what makes you tick. You might miss out on great jobs and learning things about yourself. With all the billions of individuals in the world there is bound to be handfuls of others that really get you and see the beauty in what you say, offer and the image of what is You.

Don’t limit yourself!

Spring Treasure: First things First

So, for winter it sure is mild and rainy. Its scary, thought provoking and unstable what is happening with mother nature all over the world. Don’t get me wrong, winter is not my favourite season so I am quite glad that it’s not freezing and hard to get around.
Wednesday was the type of day, weather wise, that I look out the window with concentration on how I want my outdoor space to look and function. What needs to be fixed, what plans do I want to carry out, what are the priorities and which will I focus my budget and attention on first.
Also, there are cracks that shine a little “ooww… we can go to the zoo, lie in the grass, get ice cream from the caboose by that forest trail”.

This is MY internal road map to a Spring day dream and readiness plan.

As daunting as some of this weather is; I see it as inspiration and the perfect time to put together my game plan.
Usually February is the coldest month and I feel that I just want to be done with winter. But, this is also a great opportunity to lift spirits and use your time spent indoors wisely.

All that being said, here is a sampling of what I list within my road map and some suggestions to get the ball rolling on what you want to do when the hibernation period ends.

1} I have a folder that I keep a collection of pamphlets and/or magazine articles for products, themes, places, plant guides, techniques and really anything that catches my eye.
I like to look through this first to spark my memory and put perspective on what my real passions are going to be this year.

2} I place whatever I have chosen out on the table, then start to make a brainstorming list.
While jotting this list down I keep in mind my space, my daughter, potential gatherings, lifestyle changes, my budget, time allowance as well as how I want to feel while I am using this space.
So far, my list looks as follows:
Front yard
• mulch
Back yard
• make curtains for sunny side of pergola
• plant ground cover, possibly creeping Jenny or lemon thyme, at side of deck/house
• in veg garden: peas, tomatoes, zucchini, flowers
• a fruit bush
• a Japanese maple at back and grasses or bamboo along fence for privacy and drainage.
• choose a space for Sofia- get the sandbox with an umbrella picnic table
• fix grass patches- sod or seed ??
• Sofia chooses something to take care of and plant
• sign her up for Sportball program
• family camping weekend
( this list is huge, so I won’t bore you)
• “date” my husband; have a once a month adult only date
• shop my closet and choose 5 clothing items to repurpose into something else
• purge and organize photography magazines into 1 book; just choose what articles I want to keep

3} Once you have your main visions down, take it all in. Go back to it a few times.
Fine tune, delete, add specific notes. You’ll want to also break it down into a timeline in terms of priority.
It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. You could just number each point at the side or highlight in different colours and jot down at the top which colour represents what. You could span the projects out throughout the summer as well.

This really helps me to not miss something. Life is busy and full of surprises, so I make lists for everything.

Plus, as soon as the sun is warm, growth is poking through the dirt and it is mild enough for sweaters and raincoats; we will be spending every moment possible exploring outside.

In all honesty, I probably won’t accomplish everything on this list. Nevertheless, I will strive to. I will start with what’s important and from there I will live in the moment, focus and enjoy the life around me.

I hope this is helpful in recognizing and focussing your potential projects.

For inspiration and added guidance, check these out:
• Pinterest- search Dawn or carpediemmama
• search your citys’ visitor and local events page. We also have an Activities guide distributed each season that lists programs and classes held at the local libraries, markets and community centres. Maybe this is the year for Mommy to take that art class or dance lesson. Think about yourself, not just the kids.
• If you want a garden, but don’t have a yard; look for a Community Garden near you. They’re great!

FYI~ I will have many posts throughout this month and following through to the end of April within this Spring Treasure collection. Keep an eye out for a calendar of events for this season and what to expect for when these posts will start up again in September.
Thank you for reading.