
donkey jump

Jump with all your might! Bend at the knees…

There is so much to learn from children. If only I could watch and catch every moment.

Every hop, giggle and looonngggg JUMP.



Image Editing


Write about NOW abstract photo skills.
This was a weekly writing challenge ages ago. I hope it’s not shone against to use these ideas long after they finish.

I took this photo looking along the side of my house and our deck. Cropped, flipped and its abstract!?

Abstract photography is like a recipe; a little bit of this, add that extra bit for taste, switch this out for that and leave it in the oven for an extra 5 minutes: Presto….Oh, that didn’t turn out how I thought it would but WOW that’s good!! I always viewed abstract as an image that would be best constructed in a darkroom. That’s where this ‘recipe’ comparison ties in. 

My first attempt here is a simple one, but I now am encouraged to find abstract in other photos. An abstract that has a life all its own. An original of the original. I obviously have no idea what I’m talking about.

Great concept! What a great way to encourage a new outlook. Technology has dumbfounded me again with its ability to ‘train’ the minds eye.
Never really thought I would be any good at abstract photography, or have a natural outlet to start practicing. Thank you again WordPress.
I now am finding myself thinking and looking in abstract from time to time.

Daily Prompt: Singin’ in the Rain


This is a previous photo I had named Bullseye.

A perfect rainy afternoon. Well, those four words are perfect in and of themselves.

When it rains I prefer to have a window open so the raw smells fill my house. This allows the sounds of birds and raindrops, hopefully the odd thunder-clap, as well. The best rain is warm. It would be the shower that puts the world in a darkness apart from occasional light breaks.

Now that scene has been set…
Candles, pillows and sweet drinks; whether it be tea, chocolate milk or smoothies. Crunchy snacks.
Perfection would be cuddling with my daughter and husband reading or talking. After a few good books it would be wonderful to browse through photos.
I always seem to need a bit of organizing or project finishing being done when it rains. It feels much more rewarding while it rains. An unexplainable release of creative juices that I can’t allow going to waste.

After cooking together nearby the open window then eating a light satisfying meal, grilled chicken breast on a huge salad comes to mind, we would go out onto the covered front porch and just watch the rain with a glass of wine. Most likely my camera would be present.

After my daughter has gone to bed I would finish a perfect rainy day with my husband as we watch a movie on the couch; with candles, munchies and the windows open as the dog lies at our feet.

Tomorrow is meant to thunderstorm all day and I am going to do some baking and listen to music that I have been missing. Since it is Fathers Day, our meal will be steak and lobster tail. I wish I had bought some ice wine..